The ground-breaking film meant to change your life.

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Hi, peeps! I’m Chris and I’m one of those professional producers of the world. 

When I was only five years old, I felt lonely but I had music. My Dad’s record collection was pivotal to the messages that would be imprinted on my young mind. It wasn’t even about quantity or thoroughness of genres or decades, but about quality and message. Little did they know that I was thinking adult things ahead of time. 

These narratives, exposed by artists, vibrationally manifested and shared across humanity with joyful and celebrated art forms, eased the shaping of the mind and spirit while navigating through a hostile world.

When I think back to the classical guitar we had in the household, my Father being a talented musician himself, and the exposure the kids had to musical and dance expression, theatrical experiences designed specifically for young people, and lessons in whatever we wanted.
And Love.

Upbringing is only part of the story, though. Day in and day out, we all strive to arrive to build a better place than how it was when we arrived. Something keeps us going, and that is Human connection and our place in the natural and cosmic context.

We believe music, interactive visuals, dance, ceremony, and creative expression are the currency and value chain of the new economy, with the tool of A.I. in our tool belt, with good old-fashioned hard work at our craft in the forefront of our mission. This we can blissfully deliver, because it’s about how we use ourselves for the benefit of others.

We spin up anywhere we find ourselves in service of the soundtrack for film and immersive media experiences. My ROI is that you dance and become free.


Spring 2023 - Debut Performance

Thank-you to those who contributed with this ground-breaking, ceiling-shattering, expansive experience that captured another world in the senses and brought our music directly to nature.

Autumn - Winter 2023/2024 - The Passion of The Chris

Bucharest, Romania | Tblisi, Georgia | Batumi, Georgia | Budapest, Hungary | Berlin, Germany | Athens, Greece | Milan, Italy | Brazil | Canada | and more...
Returning to new venues for another journey of the mind, body, and spirit. Augmented by A.I. contributed artforms and collage audiovisual elements, the evening of eye-opening artistic collaboration will melt your heart and harden your groove.

Winter 2023 - LATE film release

The anticipated film project from TI3E is a thought-provoking and perspective-changing journey through life, the self, and where we find ourselves as a collective today. It will change your life.

We work with you. No act too large or too small. Please contact [email protected]

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Please request media assets, or samples for diverse genres and commercial purposes.

Email inquiries: [email protected]
WhatsApp conversation: +1-416-985-8400